ella es una cantante pop argentina que esta a punto de lanzar su primer album WONDERLAN , a su vez realiza presentaciones para presentar su primer disco , vamos a estar ,a traves del blog ,dando informacion constante de esta exelente cantante y vamos a publicar las fechas y lugares donde se presentara proximamente !!!! Tambien publicaremos su musica sus videos !!! no pueden dejar de escuchar y compartir sus canciones son asombrosas!!! ayudemos a que esta humilde y hermosa persona pueda cumplir su sueño!! QUE SU MUSICA RECORRA EL MUNDO!!!
she's a pop singer Argentina that is about to release his first album Wonderlan turn makes presentations to present their first album, we will be, through the blog, giving constant information of this excellent singer and we will publish the dates and places where you submit soon!! Also publish your music your videos! can not stop listening and share your songs are amazing! we help this humble and beautiful person can fulfill their dream! WALK YOUR MUSIC WORLD!...
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